GEORGE - Letters to George (OOYH 018) OUT NOW!!


RELEASE DAY for GEORGE - Letters to George (OOYH 018)!! We're super pumped for this album, and are so excited to share it with you today. GEORGE is the new superband (called mutant cyber-funk with jazz and improv elements in Burning Ambulance) by drummer/composer John Hollenbeck, and featuring Chiquita Magic, Anna Webber, and Aurora Nealand. This is their debut record as a band and it is GOOD! We have such incredible respect and admiration for all four of these musicians, it's hard to say what releasing this one means to us. Let's just say we're very honored!

We have it available in CD (shipping now), vinyl (in production, but pre-orders going fast), digital, and we have 5 signed test pressings left that went up yesterday (edition of 8) that likely won't make it through the weekend. Here's where you can grab all of that and get a hearty sample of the music:

A new track 'Clinton' is now streaming ONLY on Bandcamp, so head on over and check that one out. It is of course a dedication to the great funk innovator George Clinton. Big thanks to TJ Huff for the ever-incredible artwork + design, and to our good friend Craig One who made the awesome video for Iceman. If you haven't checked that one out, we obviously recommend it.

Some awesome reviews are already rolling in this week, and here's a great quote from Peter Margasak for The Quietus Complete Communion:

“The pop veneer can be a bit deceiving, because there’s nothing glib or slight about these performances, and the production delivers a delicious tension with the no-holds-barred attack. I can only imagine how George will sound with a bunch of gigs under its belt, but for now the heat this early meeting generated is more than enough.”

Thank you all for the support as always, and we very much hope you enjoy GEORGE!

Adam Hopkins